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Committee Meetings

Our next committee meetings will be held on Thursday, January 2, 2025.



The meetings will also be accessible via ZOOM for anyone that chooses to participate virtually. For more information, click on the meeting date under each corresponding committee below. 

Regular Committee Meetings

Committee meetings are a great place to become involved in our District.  The Board's standing committees exist to improve the Board's effectiveness by providing a public platform to formulate, develop or vet potential board discussion/action topics in detail prior to Board meetings.  Committees often work on operational issues, project planning, budget review and policy development related to the committees designated area. Committees make recommendations to the Board, but do not take action.

At this time, the Board has established four standing committeees:

  • Water & Sewer Committee
  • Fire Committee
  • Park and Recreation/Citizens' Oversight Committee
  • Finance & Policy Committee

Committees consist of two members from the Board of Directors (appointed by the Board President each year), the General Manager, related staff and appointed members of the public. Click the below link to see this year's committtee meeting times and members. Upcoming and past committee agendas are also posted below.

2025 Committee Schedule & Members.pdf