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Board & Staff Compensation

We report Board and staff compensation to the California State Controller every year.  The total compensation reported includes all types of compensation.  This includes normal compensation, such as regular pay, benefits and uniform allowances.  It also includes abnormal pay that varies from year to year.

Some of the most common variable pay reported in total compensation includes:

  • Overtime & On-Call Pay:  Since our staff is so small, our operators and fire staff are often required to work more overtime than most agencies.  Our water/sewer operators are on-call two weeks out of every month to handle after hours emergencies, meaning they are required to stay within 30 minutes of the District and cannot drink alcohol.  It also means they work a lot more than employees of larger agencies who are normally on-call one week every two or three months.  Since we provide 24/7/365 emergency services with only three fire captains on three shifts, our fire staff are required to work more overtime than normal agencies because of the limited staffing pool to backfill captains when they are out due to illness, injury or other reasons.
  • Special Incident Pay: Our fire staff proudly participates in major State and Federal wildfire incidents when requested and when staffing is sufficient to ensure constant coverage of our District.  These incidents result in a large amount of overtime for our fire staff. All of this overtime is paid by the State or Federal government (in addition to a 10% fee for administration and a rental fee for our equipment) and does not come from our local customers. Since wildfire incidents vary from year to year, fire staff compensation can also vary greatly.  Over the last three years, special fire incidents have provided large overtime payments to our staff and rental fees have more than covered payments on our new engine.

Please go to the State Controller's website to view annual compensation of our board and staff. You will need to click on "Special Districts" and select "Tuolumne County" from the drop down list to see Twain Harte Community Services District.

To view our most recent salary and wages scale, please see our current year budget packet.